Decolonising Europe Booklet

What does it mean to decolonise Europe?” is the central question of our initiative. We do not aim to offer a single answer to this question, but rather to create a space for exchange and coalition-building among people and initiatives with a variety of approaches to the question and common project of decolonising Europe. With this in mind, we have created a booklet with contributions from our partners, published in the run-up to the first edition of the Decolonial Europe Day on 9 May 2023.

Some of the booklet contributions are better viewed when you see two pages next to each other. If you want to change to a two-page view of the booklet, please either click on this link to view the booklet on Issuu or click on the ‘page view’ button above the previewed booklet and select ‘Two page’ and ‘Show cover page separately’ (if this button is available on your browser).